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Veteran Health Care IDs Offer Added Security
The Veterans Affairs Department (VA) has a new system of health care identification. New Veterans Health Identification Cards, or VHICs will be issued to veterans starting in April. The VA has updated their cards in order to ensure the safety and security of sensitive information.
According to Military Times, the current system just hasn’t been working. Anyone with a smartphone bar code scanning application could scan the ID cards and reveal a veteran’s social security number. That’s why the VA has been working to protect veterans from identity theft.
In the new cards, veterans will be provided with a magnetic strip. However, the card will function similarly to a health insurance card. In other words, a new identification number will be associated with the card. Social security numbers will no longer be associated with the cards.
New cards will be issued to veterans starting in April. The VA expects that cards should be replaced before July of this year. They also suggest that veterans should shred their old cards to ensure security of their information.
For more information on identification standards, practices and products, give Capture Technologies a call. We are dedicated to keeping your information secure.
Source:: Veteran Health Care IDs Offer Added Security